• ADDRESS Relles Florist
    2400 J Street
    Sacramento, CA, 95816
  • CALL US (916) 441-1478
Relles Florist's Anniversary Bouquet

Relles Florist's Anniversary Bouquet

Only available for ordering from 10/01/2021 to 10/19/2021.

Relles Florist's Anniversary Bouquet - to celebrate all the years since 1946.
It is $100 worth of arrangement for $75 - now through October 19th.
Arrangements can have different flowers but here's a good example.

Recommended Final Touches

  • Tactical Soap On A Rope Scrubbing Pouch Addon
    Tactical Soap On A Rope Scrubbing Pouch
    No Thanks
    As Shown $20.00
  • Duke Cannon Soap - Budweiser Beer Addon
    Duke Cannon Soap - Budweiser Beer
    No Thanks
    As Shown $7.50
  • LeGrand Chocolates Addon
    LeGrand Chocolates
    No Thanks
    4pc. Truffles $18.95
    6pc. Truffles $24.95
    12pc. Truffles $41.95
Info Icon Note: This product is for Local Pickup/Delivery only!

Sorry, this product is currently unavailable!

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